1 thought on “Curtains at Calderdale

  1. Kate

    Hmm, the curtain incident. They certainly have a curtain fetish at the hospital. They had the same issue when I went in there for a septoplasty for some problems I have with my sinuses. I only had to stay in there one night, but I felt that I wanted a bit of privacy for a bit and decided to draw the curtain around me for half an hour or so during the early evening, mainly because I had a nose splint and plasters on that made me look like a restrained Hannibal Lector and I felt that I was being stared at (probably because people were wondering what on earth was on my face).
    This busy body nurse came in, stuck her head around the curtain and snapped at me “Why is this curtain around your bed??”. I was about to try and explain when she (In one foul swoop) swished the curtain back in an overly dramatic way barking “I need to see my patients” and rushed off.
    Later on I thought “Balls” and pulled it back around. Another nurse came scurrying over and swished it back, so I said “I just want a bit of privacy for a while, I’ve had a septoplasty, it’s not like I am going to die and you won’t know”
    The reason I am typing all of this, is because they seem to have a thing about curtain useage. It is very odd. They seem to think that they should not have to explain themselves to anybody, that they are all seeing, all knowing and not to be questioned. Is this the right kind of attitude? If, for example, they explained to me that they were really busy and only had time to pop their heads into the ward doors and scan and that I was obstructing their view, or that they have instructions to keep all curtains open for some reason, then fine.
    I was there when Chris spoke to the nurse about the issue and he really wasn’t aggressive (She would have known aggressive if I’d have had to deal with her 😉 he was diplomatic and courteous (more than was deserved!). How DARE anyone ASK for anything or for someone to have a bit of human treatment or privacy?

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