Bad news

Had the result of the scan this afternoon.

Things have got “substantially” worse – with more cancer in the liver, more on the para-aortal node and some “spots” in the lungs. Although Dr J said it had developed as she would have expected, this news could not have been more unwelcome.

Dr J advised that it was important to start chemo within the next 2-3 weeks. However, she confirmed that the response rate to chemo is still only 50%.

Elaine feels strongly that she doesn’t want to go to Calderdale Royal, after all that has happened, and that we’re prepared to drive to Leeds Cookridge, under Dr A. It will be a long drive. She warned us that we may find that gruelling but that she would support us, and if we wanted to return to Calderdale at any time, that would not be a problem. We would need the agreement of our local practice GP. Some discussion and reflection needed here.

All those who raised eyebrows at the organic, vegan diet and the wide spectrum of witch’s concoctions may well feel vindicated, but who knows whether that hasn’t held back the speed of advance. And no other cancer patient in the crowded waiting room this afternoon looked as healthy and glowing as Elaine.

There’s still the mistletoe treatment!!!

9 thoughts on “Bad news

  1. Virtual Pharmacy

    he most part of a life we do not think of quantity on a head – them approximately 100 thousand. On the average the person in day loses the order of 50-100 pieces. But when this quantity increases, problems begin. WBR LeoP

  2. Marion

    I am so sorry to read that the cancer is still making inroads. It must be frustrating at the least to be told how well you look when you must be feeling so unwell as it progresses.

    If as suggested by the doctor that you might find the return journey to Leeds for your chemo ‘gruelling’ why not book into a hotel in Leeds during the duration of your treatment? I presume it is one treatment a week.

    If I remember this second round of chemo is more severe than the first, with hair loss etc., perhaps you might get lots of compassion then Elaine.

  3. Sarah

    I’m really sorry the news wasn’t better Elaine. Take care of yourself, make the most of any rest you can if you are going to start the chemo. The world should revolve around you at the moment Elaine, you need and deserve that.
    Love and good wishes,

  4. SueV

    Any contact with a Macmillan nurse yet?
    Reflecting on my last post, you must actually be feeling as if the stuffing has been taken out of you, no matter how well you look. Teachers get to be good actors, don’t they? So especially if you’re going for the chemo -get that rest!

  5. Godfrey

    Elaine, get all the rest you can. My mother-in-law was due to start chemo in July for a different form of cancer. She went on a cruise and for the first time in her life had 12 days of being waited on hand and foot. It did her system so much good that there’s no talk of chemo now before the end of October.

  6. Jack Folsom

    At a distance of 3000 miles, I cannot begin to sort out the differences amongst these various Yorkshire cancer care facilities, but based upon Elaine’s earlier Calderdale reports, the extra drive to Leeds or wherever should be worth it. At this stage, the comfort and morale of the patient–our dear friend, Elaine–is the most important!

  7. SueV

    Just adding my best wishes , you must all be so disappointed at this setback. I am quite sure your decisions were the right ones, too. Can’t see many (any?) of the rest of us managing to stay as fit as you have under the same circumstances.
    Keep us posted!
    thinking of you as always
    Sue x (non)

  8. Julie

    Dear All, what a piss off, really sorry the news was not what any of us wanted. I’m proud you’ve tried all the alternatives. Elaine, I’m sure the concoctions have helped sustain you in the relatively good state you’ve been in since you started them. Cookridge sounds positive, but its good you can go to Calderdale again if you need to. Big hugs all of you, will try and get up Friday, am off to York tomorrow. xxx your pal Jools

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