Elaine is back in hospital – Cookridge this time. Yesterday, she was diagnosed with ascites which is is an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen caused by the cancer. She will have to stay in for a day or two while it is drained. This ascites could also have been aggravating the nausea and loss of appetite. Since having the line out last week, her mental vitality has returned – she has spent a lot of time on the phone and has really enjoyed talking with visitors. Previously, I was having to turn people away.
However, physically she seems to have no strength, finding it hard to walk or climb stairs. Today at the hospital, for the first time, she had to use the wheelchair to move between sections. On Tuesday, after her trip to the hospice, she went to bed around five and slept right through.
We also received the results of the scan – bad news. The report referred to innumerable metatases in the liver. Given that the current regime of chemo is apparently no longer working, it will now cease. However, there is another form of chemo which she will probably start in August – and this one involves hair loss. It apparently has a fifty per cent chance of holding back the progression of the cancer for a while.
So we have plenty to think about, but at the moment. Elaine is really looking forward to having the fluid drained as it has been causing her serious discomfort over the past day or so. I am hoping that this might also be the source of her loss of energy. She has hardly eaten over the past few weeks so if she can recover her appetite I hope that will help.
Best thoughts for you as ever Elaine x
Any more news Chris, do give my love to Elaine.
Hello Chris,
Many thanks for keeping us updated.
Hope Elaine is back home soon.
‘This too will pass’ is my most earnest wish Elaine.
Hi Elaine and Mr C.
Sending my love to you both and hoping for a brighter time for you both on the horizon. You are certainly due one.
Hi Elaine – I’ve been following your thread from the beginning & wanted to wish you all the best today….take care. x
Hello Mr C and Elaine
Thank you for keeping us informed; we are great e mailers and assiduous followers of Elaine’s struggle with NHS and etc.
Please pass on my best cyber buddy hugging to a wonderful and powerful woman.
Much love
Much appreciated that you keep giving us the news -even when it is bad -that must be really hard. I find this website quite amazing, really.
Very best wishes to Elaine -hope she feels much more comfortable as soon as possible -and that she gets home soon!