Very reluctantly, Elaine has had to give up her online teaching, and tell her colleagues and students.
I’ve been very moved by this message from an 11 year old Japanese student, whose brightness I’ve heard about regularly from Elaine.
“Dear Elaine,
I just heard about your cancer, and I was terribly surprised.
My mother feels the same way, and she has sent you the kindest regards.
I was looking forward to meeting you next Term, so I was disappointed.
But I would like to tell you this.
I want to thank you for teaching me, and tell you that there will be no teacher as good as you.
I hope and pray that you will be able to live as long as you can.
We will never forget you, and if (our school) one day becomes bigger, your name will always be remembered.
I think I have taken a great liberty in writing this letter, but I sincerely hope you will forgive me.
Yours sincerely,
Y . . . . .
P.S. My Dad.. father says he is sorry as well. And I have another word..
‘If you are sad, and want to give up, put your fingers to your lips and pull.
Look at the mirror, and smile to yourself. Remember, a smile on your lips, then there is peace at heart.’
Whoever said this, it’s very good… I myself have been encouraged with it.
May God Bless You.”
Apart from everything else, it’s so unfair that Elaine has to give up when she has so very much more to give.