The Fall

Elaine wrote this yesterday evening.

Last night (I don’t quite know how) I slipped and fell down about 7 steps of our very steep staircase. It was very frightening as I saw the wall approaching & thought that I was going to go straight to the bottom but luckily I managed to use the stair’s hand rail to save myself. Very shaken up and with Chris’s help I made it to the sofa where I was aware that I had some pain at the back of my left knee but felt OK once the shock had worn off.

It was when I began to get up to go to bed that my real problems started. I was in such awful pain reaching my feet that Chris claims I made far more noise than during Morgan’s birth. Getting up the stairs was agony & I didn’t even clean my teeth because of the small amount of extra movement it would require to reach the sink in the bathroom. I needed to go to the loo in the night. It took me almost 5 minutes to get there even though it’s right next door to my bedroom.

This morning I called out our GP who said I must have an X ray because chemotherapy weakens bones considerably & he feared something might be broken. As he left I felt as if I couldn’t face much more. A broken knee in addition to everything else? I felt at such a low ebb.

The ambulance crew were a cheery couple who when they had skillfully manoeuvred me in a chair down the stairs were very chatty. O telling me all about his recent trip to Saudi and L about her recent grandchild. O and I had recently watched the same programmes on India and Pakistan as part of the 60th anniversary Partition commemorations. He had actually seen the closing of the border gates between India and Pakistan which formed the funniest part to us of the programme led by Sanjeev Baskar & told me that amongst the huge crowds which go to watch this ceremony every day you can always tell British born Indians and Pakistanis because they are the ones laughing hysterically at the Ministry of Silly walks goosestepping which the soldiers use.

I was seen very quickly, X rayed and told I didn’t have a break but a sprain in my knee. I don’t even need crutches just an elasticated bandage and painkillers both of which have brought tremendous relief. I have had my criticisms of Calderdale Hospital but have always found A&E there to be an excellent and very well run department.

3 thoughts on “The Fall

  1. Jerry

    Dear Elaine,
    I am troubled deeply by the pain, suffering and misery you have had to endure over these many months. There is nothing I can say that can in any way alleviate it but I wanted you to know that for someone I had never seen nor heard about until I went searching for my “old flame,” Sylvia, I feel and attachment and emotional bond with you that I have never experienced before with anybody I have met over the Internet. My thought and prayers are with you, My Friend. I wish you well, of course, but I also wish you a surcease from your protracted sufferings. Which, in an inverted way, is wishing you well, I suppose.
    Much love,

  2. Annie

    Elaine it’s good to read that the latest happening didn’t have the worst outcome (i.e. broken bone); hope things continue this way.

    I don’t know you but am increasingly impressed and touched by the way you just carry on, one setback after another. You say you aren’t brave, but you are totally unique. Just think of the way you give an example of spirit “unto the death” to your many readers! I know I will never forget your words, and certainly will remember your example, I hope, when my time comes.

    I’m not very good with words Elaine, but please accept these in the sincerity they are given with
    Annie xx

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